1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Imagine a hospital in a remote village relying on a power generator to save lives. Now, imagine that the person operating the generator doesn’t understand how it works. Instead of bringing power and healing, their misuse causes a devastating failure.
This illustrates what can happen when we are uninformed about spiritual gifts. Like tools meant for good, spiritual gifts can be misused—bringing division instead of unity, self-glory instead of God’s glory. In 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, Paul urges the church to understand these gifts so they can be used rightly.
The Problem in Corinth—and Today
The Corinthian church prided itself on intellectual prowess but was ignorant about spiritual gifts. Instead of using their gifts to build up the church, they were using them to exalt themselves. Sadly, many churches today fall into one of four categories:
- Overemphasizing gifts to the point of making them idols.
- Tying spiritual gifts to salvation, rather than grace.
- Rejecting gifts altogether, believing they ceased with the early church.
- Remaining ignorant—failing to explore and use them biblically.
Paul’s desire, and God’s desire for us, is that we be informed and faithful stewards of the Spirit’s gifts.
Four Truths About Spiritual Gifts
1. Spiritual Gifts Require Discernment (v. 3)
Paul warns that no one speaking by the Spirit will curse Jesus, and only by the Spirit can one say, “Jesus is Lord.” This highlights the need for discernment, especially with verbal gifts like prophecy, teaching, and exhortation.
We must test everything against Scripture. False teachings and self-serving “revelations” have led many astray. Paul reminds us that God’s Word is our measuring stick—God does not contradict Himself.
Application: Be diligent in testing messages, teachings, and spiritual experiences against Scripture.
2. There Is Unity in the Diversity of Gifts (vv. 4-6)
Paul highlights that while there are different gifts, they come from the same Spirit, Lord, and God. Just as the Trinity functions in perfect unity, so should the church. Gifts are given for various roles, but all serve one mission—building up the body of Christ.
Illustration: Peter was called to preach to the Jews, while Paul was called to the Gentiles. Yet both worked toward the same goal—the expansion of God’s Kingdom.
Application: We must celebrate and embrace the diversity of gifts in the church, avoiding jealousy or comparison.
3. Gifts Are for the Benefit of Others, Not Ourselves (v. 7)
Paul is clear: spiritual gifts are not given for personal gain but for the common good. When people use their gifts selfishly, destruction follows.
Illustration: In Acts 8, Simon the Magician tried to buy the ability to impart the Holy Spirit. He saw spiritual gifts as a way to elevate himself, not as a means of serving others. This mindset still exists today when preachers and leaders use their gifts for fame and profit rather than ministry.
Application: A sure sign we are using our gifts rightly is if they are costing us something while blessing others.
4. Gifts Are Given by Grace, Not Earned (vv. 8-11)
Spiritual gifts are not rewards for good behavior. They are given by God’s grace and distributed as He wills. This removes any room for pride or entitlement.
Illustration: Imagine giving a luxurious car to a spouse who has been unfaithful. It would seem unthinkable, yet that is precisely how God deals with us—lavishing us with His grace despite our failures.
Application: We must humbly use our gifts for God’s glory, recognizing that they are undeserved blessings meant for His Kingdom.
Conclusion: The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts
Ultimately, our gifts are not about us. They are about God’s mission—loving Him, serving others, and making disciples.
As 1 Peter 4:10-11 says: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace… in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”
Let us steward our gifts wisely, use them for the good of others, and glorify the God who graciously empowers us for His purposes.