Sharing the Hope of Jesus Christ

How Long Will I Be There?

Our Service starts at 11:00am and will typically be in worship together until about 12:15am. How long you stay after depends on you! We will have time in our lobby for you to gather and get to know some people.

Is There A Dress Code?

Some people come in casual attire, some like to wear a tie or a dress, it’s really up to you! We are more interested in you than what you are wearing!

What About My Kids?

As our church grows we are prepared to offer children’s services. In the meantime, your children are more than welcome to gather and worship with us in the sanctuary.

What Happens During Service?

Our goal is to provide you with a place to experience God as reflected in Scripture. We will have readings, singing of hymns, prayers, offerings and the preaching of God’s Word. How you participate will be entirely up to you and how God moves in your heart.