Loving God and Others by Making Disciples who Make Disciples

New Year New Strength

As we enter into the new year, some of us are overwhelmed, exhausted, discouraged, or maybe even demoralized. We don’t have the strength to face another day. If we are not in that season of life currently, we have been or we know someone who is. A flip of the calendar and a new year…

The Heart of Christmas is Peace Luke 2:8-14

Peace is not usually associated with Christmas. It is usually a stressful time for adults with the travel. traffic, shopping, cooking, and In-laws. Or maybe it is a difficult time because you lost a loved one. It is easy to be distracted by the Holiday haunts and to do lists so I invite you to…

The Heart of Christmas is Hope Isaiah 9:2-7

We often hear the true meaning of Christmas is, good will toward men, or family, or togetherness, or charity. These things are not inherently bad and may be practiced at Christmas time. But they are NOT the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus Christ is the true meaning of Christmas. I invite you this advent season…

New in Christ

As the Church we are called to be salt and light to the world. This indicates that we must be distinctly different. But Jesus warns that we can have our light hidden and our saltiness lost. This happens as a result of sin and being just like the world. So Paul echoes the same command…

Maturing Saints

I know a guy in his late 30’s that still lives at home with his mom. He does not have a job though he is physically and mentally capable, he eats her food, lives in her house, and does nothing but play video games. He is what is called a Man-Child. Paul does not want…

Diversity in Unity

Although there is ONE Body, it is made up of many parts. Christ has gifted each and every Christian to carry out the work of Ministry. Christianity is not a spectator sport. What is your gift? How are you using it?

Walk in Unity

In a world that is going increasingly polarized and split, the Church is called to stand out with its Unity. In Ephesians 4:3-6, Paul gives us 7 Ones and 4 Alls to help us understand what we must Absolutely Unify in.