Loving God and Others by Making Disciples who Make Disciples

"Salvation" Tagged Sermons

Luke 17:11-19 One Leper Saved

In this powerful account of ten lepers healed by Jesus, we uncover a deeper truth about gratitude, faith, and salvation. Leprosy serves as a vivid symbol of sin—incurable, isolating, and destructive. While all ten lepers showed faith by crying out to Jesus and obeying His command, only one returned to give thanks, recognizing not just…

1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Christ and Him Crucified

The crucifixion of Christ is a stumbling block for some and considered folly by others. It’s tempting to preach Christ without emphasizing the Crucifixion to avoid these challenges. However, when we do this, we are no longer preaching the true Gospel. Instead, we reduce Christ to merely a moral figure to emulate or a teacher…

Exodus 15: Song of Salvation

After God miraculously and powerfully saved Israel from Egypt, they spent time worshipping and praising Him. We can learn a lot from looking at this song as well as other worship songs in the Bible. Is your worship God centered or man centered?