Loving God and Others by Making Disciples who Make Disciples

Sermons on Advent

John 3:16-21 Advent of Love

This week, we dive into the heart of the Advent season by exploring The Advent of Love through John 3:16-21. Discover the depth of God’s sacrificial love as we unpack the greatest gift ever given—Jesus Christ. What does it mean that God “so loved the world”?How does the story of Moses lifting the serpent in…

Habakkuk 3:17-19 Advent of Joy

Where does true joy come from? Is it found in life’s celebrations—weddings, promotions, family gatherings—or in something deeper? In this Advent sermon, we explore Habakkuk 3:17-19 and uncover a profound truth: joy isn’t rooted in ease or circumstance but in trusting the eternal God. Join us as we journey through the prophet Habakkuk’s raw struggle…

Revelation 12: Advent of Peace

Advent Peace: The Triumph of Christ in a World at War In a world desperate for peace—between nations, within hearts, and amidst chaos—why does true peace feel so elusive? Revelation 12 pulls back the curtain on the cosmic battle behind the turmoil we face. From the woman clothed with the sun to the great red…

Lamentations 3:21-26

Life is filled with challenges—disappointment, despair, suffering—and none of us are exempt. Yet, in the midst of life’s darkest moments, the prophet Jeremiah reminds us of a profound truth in Lamentations 3:21–26: God’s mercies are new every morning. Join us as we explore how to find hope in a broken world, even when the weight…

The Heart of Christmas is Peace Luke 2:8-14

Peace is not usually associated with Christmas. It is usually a stressful time for adults with the travel. traffic, shopping, cooking, and In-laws. Or maybe it is a difficult time because you lost a loved one. It is easy to be distracted by the Holiday haunts and to do lists so I invite you to…

The Heart of Christmas is Hope Isaiah 9:2-7

We often hear the true meaning of Christmas is, good will toward men, or family, or togetherness, or charity. These things are not inherently bad and may be practiced at Christmas time. But they are NOT the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus Christ is the true meaning of Christmas. I invite you this advent season…