As Israel waited for Moses, they became impatient and afraid, leading them to sin by making and worshipping an idol. God’s wrath burned hot against them, but Moses stepped in to mediate for Israel. We often fall into the same trap. We become impatient with God, forgetting His provisions, promises, and that we belong to Him. Like the Israelites, we need a mediator. Moses was able to reduce God’s wrath but could not atone for it. Only Jesus Christ can atone for our sins, and He has done so once and for all who believe in Him. In this passage, we get an uncomfortable glimpse of God’s wrath, revealing His hatred of sin. Understanding that God is Holy, Just, and Wrathful is crucial to fully grasping the weight of His Grace, Mercy, and Love. It is imperative that we intercede for our lost neighbors and loved ones and proclaim the Gospel to them at every opportunity. While the unbelieving world may view this as hateful, from heaven’s perspective, it is the most loving thing we can do for someone.