Loving God and Others by Making Disciples who Make Disciples

'Discipline' Tagged Posts

Biblical Tolerance

1 Corinthians 5 In today’s culture, tolerance is often celebrated as a supreme virtue. The world promotes the idea that all lifestyles, beliefs, and philosophies should be embraced and accepted without judgment. To suggest otherwise is to be labeled narrow-minded, bigoted, or intolerant. But what happens when this idea of tolerance creeps into the church?…

The Discipline of a Loving Father

1 Corinthians 4:14-21 We all know someone who is stubborn—maybe a friend, a family member, or even ourselves at times. Stubbornness often reveals itself when we refuse to listen, take advice, or change our ways. It’s a condition of pride, an attitude that insists, “I know best,” and it’s not uncommon for many of us…