Loving God and Others by Making Disciples who Make Disciples

Exodus 16: Bread Form Heaven

Now that Israel has been saved by God, they must learn how to walk in faithful dependance on Him. This is a part of growing spiritually also known as Sanctification. Israel has been set apart as God’s people and they must learn to walk and live accordingly.

Exodus 15: Song of Salvation

After God miraculously and powerfully saved Israel from Egypt, they spent time worshipping and praising Him. We can learn a lot from looking at this song as well as other worship songs in the Bible. Is your worship God centered or man centered?

Lord’s Prayer

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. In Matthew 6:5-15 Jesus warns of wrong ways to pray before teaching His disciples and ultimately us how to pray. We have come to know it as the Lord’s Prayer and even unreligious people know it by heart. But spite its familiarity to us, it…

Exodus 3:13-22 I Am

When Moses asks what His name is, he was asking Him what His essence is. God answers by telling Moses, “I am what I am.” Another translation is, “I am the One who is and will be” In other words He is telling Moses that He is self existent and everything Moses needs when he…

Exodus 3:1-12 God is Holy

AW Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” That is essentially what Theology is. It is thinking about God. In that way, we are all theologians. All of us have thoughts about God. Some are sound and true thoughts while others are made…

Exodus 2 – God Reliance

We all experience seasons in life that are difficult. Situations, circumstance, and experiences that tend to cause anxiety. In those moments we are tempted to give in to that anxiety and look to ourselves to solve the problem. This is what Moses did. He looked this way and that but he never looked up! His…